Our privacy is under threat more than ever in this age of innovation. In an age of technology where we are all connected, I was beyond shocked to learn from Dr. Smith’s lecture and his videos just how vulnerable we truly are. Our information is always being tracked and monitored by mega-corporates such as Facebook and Google. My fears were even more exasperated after Dr. Smith taught us about the Adhesion contract, an agreement usually made where one party gains a large amount of power over a weaker party. An adhesion contract is typically the terms and agreement contract we all sign without looking through when we update things such as our Apple ID. These contracts allow these mega corporations to track our online activity and to even instill certain features on our phones based on that activity. A prime example of this would be personalized advertisements created through Google’s algorithm. I think I was always vaguely aware of this but I never knew it was as secretive as it was. It is important that we are not naive to how our information is spread online and how it can be used against us without us even knowing.
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